Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Washington Heights is >> East Harlem

So I was up on 158th & Broadway helping a friend move over the weekend. I've never been that far uptown, but let me just say I was PLEASANTLY SURPRISED! The area was beautiful. Clean, wide, sunny streets, with all sorts of commerce everywhere I looked. Ample buses and public transportation. I really had no idea. I recommend the area to anyone looking for an affordable place in NYC. My friend took a studio up there for $900/mo. The place was a newly renovated elevator building. Huge kitchen and bathroom, with plenty of closets.

The neighborhood felt safe, which was something I hadn't expected. I'm still haunted by my 1980's upbringing, where going in to NYC was a death wish. There's nothing more hillarious to me than the scene in Death Wish, when Charles Brosnon comes out of the A train onto my subway stop and shoots a viligante!


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